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  • Does Datatruck include free trials?
    Yes, usually we will give 14 day free trials to the interested customers
  • How does Datatruck help me understand my trucking operations and finances?
    Datatruck provides accurate and real-time operational and financial insights about your company. It also provides template of management reports for weekly discussions on the performance of the trucking company.
  • What are the differentiator factors to use Datatruck TMS than others?
    Datatruck TMS is specifically built for truck carriers owners over 10 Trucks to streamline trucking operations. - It is focused specifically on data analytics and insights; - Financial management is guided to help make right decisions; - Gen AI is applied in every processes automation possible; - Data consolidation is done in an easy to understand way; - Fleet management gives an edge to understand which truck is making a profit or loss.
  • Will I receive customer support during my free trial and after?
    Absolutely! Our support team is available to assist you throughout your trial period and we do have 24/7 customer support team that can answer your questions on a daily basis to get to learn the product.
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